和柄神 Wagarajin

國際樂天Rakuten Global

日本樂天Rakuten Japan


我於2012124日向樂天網站中的一間店家---和柄神Wagarajin 訂購一個背包,

一開始因為我的信用卡資料不對, 被取消訂單,

我修改資料後, 再訂一次, 第二次就有訂購成功,

order confirm

至今沒有任何"商品已寄出"的記錄, 更沒有提供"包裹追蹤號碼(Tracking number)"


背包 $5900yen+ $295yen+運費 $3000yen=$9195yen

後來我發現, 我的信用卡被收費兩次:

2012-12-03 $8,195日幣

2012-12-04 $9,195日幣

信用卡網頁上, 清楚記錄了我被收取了兩次費用



(也許我的信被丟到垃圾信件, 好吧)

我也透過樂天網站系統, 發問給Wagarajin

中間經過3個星期, 一樣沒任何回覆!

樂天網頁提供的商品提問之處, 由此寄給店家--和柄神的信, 一樣沒有任何回覆!!


樂天網站的回答是:In Rakuten market, the business of ordering,  settlement and shipping are managed by the shops themselves.  Therefore, regarding your query, please also confirm with the shop directly


也就是說, 樂天網站要買家自行跟店家連絡!


!!那我就再寫信給Wagarajin...--->數封信皆石沉大海, 沒任何回音!

我甚至打電話到Wagarajin日本的連絡電話--->早上打, 晚上打, 改天再打...都沒人接電話

樂天網頁的店家聯絡資訊, 電話:07986-47885 都沒人接電話

2013-01-07 我再度寫信給樂天網站, 告訴他們, 店家根本無法聯絡

樂天網站回覆:We have informed your inquiry to the store & asked the store to contact you. So, please kindly wait for the reply from the store.

大意是: 我們已經通知店家, 請耐心等候店家的聯絡


2天過去, 沒人聯絡




Response Via Email(楽天市場お客様担当) - 01/11/2013 10:56 上午 Dear Sir/Madam  This is Rakuten Ichiba.  Thank you for contacting us. According to customer’s credit card,  payment request will be sent during credit (validation).  Credit (validation) will be required again after charges like shipping cost is added.  We are sorry that this process might have misled you into believing that you have paid twice.  Please understand that this is caused by the characteristic of credit card validation. 


In addition, only one payment request can be made for one order on Rakuten.  However, two payment requests will be made for customers using debit card with deposit function.  In this case, the first payment request will be cancelled after a while.  Please be assured that you will have the refund.  Since the credit card company can only make the refund after receiving the data,  please kindly make an inquiry after a while. 


And in Rakuten market, the business of ordering,  settlement and shipping are managed by the shops themselves.  Therefore, regarding shipping time, please also confirm with the shop directly.

大意是, 因為系統問題, 所以有可能第一次的收費是不含運費, 第二次的加上運費的收費才是正確的,

所以第一筆收費會退款-->到今天已經2個月了, 我沒有見到任何退款!! 打電話問信用卡公司, 得到的回答也是沒有收到任何退款通知!! 

回覆中的最後一句, 仍是要買家自行跟店家連絡!-->天啊!! 我要是能聯絡的上店家, 我幹嘛還要寫信給樂天網站啊??!!


再來的期間, 我又寫信給Wagarajin -->一樣都沒反應,

又寫信給 樂天網站,

樂天網站都是說 "他們已經聯絡過店家, 要店家盡速和我聯絡"-->當然, 還是沒收過任何一封來自店家的信


Thank you for contacting us.

 We have again urged the shop to comfirm your query and reply to you. Please wait for a moment.

--->! 對對對~a moment? 我都已經等2個月了!! @#$%*....



1.請大家小心這家店--和柄神 Wagarajin

2.樂天網站有可能根本沒聯絡店家; 也可能連絡了, 但店家不甩它

   也就是說, 樂天網站不管事?! 黑店也不管?! 那在樂天網站購物就是 請自行負責!

我寄信給樂天和商家和柄神的email來往紀錄, 當然, 看不到任何Wagarajin寄過來的信,

-----下面是所有我和樂天往返的信件內容, 有興趣的人可以去看, 證明我沒有在污衊他們----

GMT+9(Japon time) GMT -6(Central America time)

e-mail time is GMT-6

01-Dic-2012 order confirmed

03-Dic-2012 ask to Wagaragin about the reason of order canceled

I guessed the reason that the order was canceled was bill address incorrect.

I corrected the bill address and bought it again.

03-Dic-2012 order confirmed

03-Dic-2012 email of 1st order canceled

04-Dic-2012 email from Rakuten system:

order $5900yen+Tax $295yen+Shipping $3000yen=9195yen

But My credit card was charge $8195yen (03-Dic-2012) and $9195yen (04-Dic-2012)

It was charged twice.

17-Dic-2012 I sent email to Wagarajin about charged twice


3 days passed and no one reply


20-Dic-2012 sent again to Wagarajin


6 days passed and no one reply


26-Dic-2012 sent help to Rakuten about charged twice

Rakuten reply: Response Via Email(楽天市場お客様担当) - 12/27/2012 10:08 上午 Dear Sir/Madam  This is Rakuten Ichiba.  Thank you for contacting us.  In Rakuten market, the business of ordering,  settlement and shipping are managed by the shops themselves.  Therefore, regarding your query, please also confirm with the shop directly.


01-Jan-2013 (Rakuten want me to contact the shop by myself so I …)sent email to Wagarajin again

01-Jan-2013 also sent query to Wagarajin from Rakuten website—“contact store”

(In case that my email wasn’t received by Wagarajin) 


6 days passed and no one reply

I tried to call directly to the shop Wagarajin 07986-47885 several times during its opening hours.


no one answer the phone. I had no choice. So I sent help to Rakuten again…


07-Jan-2013  sent help to Rakuten again

08-Jan-2013 Rakuten reply: Response Via Email(お客様担当) - 01/08/2013 03:32 下午 Dear Sir/Madam  This is Rakuten Ichiba.  Thank you for contacting us.  We have informed your inquiry to the store & asked the store to contact you. So, please kindly wait for the reply from the store.


 2 days passed and the shop still no one contact with me.


10-Jan-2013 I tried to contact with the shop Wagarajin by email and phone


no one reply and the phone number of Wagarajin still no one answer


10-Jan -2013 sent help to Rakuten


Rakuten reply: Response Via Email(楽天市場お客様担当) - 01/11/2013 10:56 上午 Dear Sir/Madam  This is Rakuten Ichiba.  Thank you for contacting us. According to customer’s credit card,  payment request will be sent during credit (validation).  Credit (validation) will be required again after charges like shipping cost is added.  We are sorry that this process might have misled you into believing that you have paid twice.  Please understand that this is caused by the characteristic of credit card validation. 


In addition, only one payment request can be made for one order on Rakuten.  However, two payment requests will be made for customers using debit card with deposit function.  In this case, the first payment request will be cancelled after a while.  Please be assured that you will have the refund.  Since the credit card company can only make the refund after receiving the data,  please kindly make an inquiry after a while. 


And in Rakuten market, the business of ordering,  settlement and shipping are managed by the shops themselves.  Therefore, regarding shipping time, please also confirm with the shop directly. (Oh Godness! If I could contact with the shop owner or the shop owner contact with me, I would not sent help to Rakuten. =.=)


11-Jan-2013 I reply to Rakuten:

Hi Rakuten

According to the website (attached picture 1) 

bag->$5900 Yen

tax->$295 Yen

shipping cost->$3000 Yen

Total $9195 Yen 


My credit card show(attached picture 2)

03 dic charged $8195 Yen

04 dic charged $9195 Yen

and until today I didn't see any refund from WAGARAJIN HYOGO


I try to call Wagarajin to ask about the reason that still not sent out my bag .

If no one answer the phone and no one reply the email,  it's impossible to contact the shop.

That's the reason I need help from Rakuten.

WHY? Why hasn't the shop sent out my bag?! 

I didn't receive any tracing number. 

Did a bag take a month to handle the shipping process?

14-Jan-2013 reply to Rakuten again

15-Jan-2013 Rakuten reply: There's a second validation to be processed when the amount is changed. Payment request will be sent twice during your using debit cards.  First is the request for card validation after you place the order.  Second is the final charge as the charge from credit cards.


The first payment request will be cancelled.  Final charge will be proceeded after orders are placed or delivered.


The date to establish the refund depends on the different card company,  after the card company receive the data , they will start the refund procedure.   so please kindly contact the Card Company directly for more information. According to the date of settle accounts of your card company,  it will properly take 2 months at maximum to get your refund back. 


In addition, it's confirmed that the shop was closed from Jan.12th to Jan. 14th.  They may reply to your query from today. If there is no reply from the shop for 3 - 4 Business Days,  please contact Rakuten Ichiba for assistance again.


The shop was close from 12-Jan to 14-Jan. After 14-Jan, still no one contact with me.


23-Jan-2013 sent help to Rakuten again

23-Jan-2013 sent again

23-Jan-2013 Rakuten reply: we have contacted the shop again , and informed the shop to reply you as quickly as possible,  thank you so much for your understanding and patient.

7 days passed…. Still no one contact with me.

31-Jan-2013 send help to Rakuten

31-Jan-2013 sent again

01-Feb-2013 Rakuten reply: Response Via Email(楽天市場お客様担当) - 02/01/2013 03:22 下午 Dear Sir/Madam  This is Rakuten Ichiba.  Thank you for contacting us. We have again urged the shop to reply to you. Please continue to contact the shop in Japanese or English.


01-Feb-2013 I sent mail to Wagaragin and Rakuten

01-Feb-2013 Failure Notice: Rakuten’s email address was unable to delivered.


4 days passed and Wagarajin still didn’t reply or contact with me.


05-Feb-2013 sent email to Wagarajin and Rakuten again

05-Feb-2013 Failure Notice: Rakuten’s email address was unable to deliver.

05-Feb-2013 sent the same question to Wagarajin from Rakuten’s website( In case that Wagarajin didn’t receive my email)

06-Feb-2013 sent help to Rakuten : Hi Rakuten, 6 days passed....again. Still no one contact with me. Are you sure that the shop Wagarajin isn't unscrupulous owner? It seems that your urged contact doesn't work! The shop doesn't take serious of Rakuten's notice. Maybe I should tell everyone on internet that Wagarajin is unscrupulous vendor. I don't want other buyers will be fraud by Wagarajin again.


07-Feb-2013 Rakuten reply: Response Via Email(楽天市場お客様担当) - 02/07/2013 05:43 下午 Dear Sir/Madam  This is Rakuten Ichiba.  Thank you for contacting us.


We have again urged the shop to comfirm your query and reply to you. Please wait for a moment.


Please feel free to contact us if you have any other question.


Best regards Rakuten Customer Support.


Today is 11-Feb-2013. From my order was charged on 04-Dic-2013 until now, I didn’t receive my product(the bag) and didn’t receive any contact from the shop Wagarajin’s owner.

In addition, my credit card  was charged by Wagarajin twice and didn’t receive any refund.

I am so disappointed and so angry.

Beware of shopping on Wagarajin and Rakuten*.

*According to this experience, there are some thoughts in my mind.

First, Rakuten maybe didn’t contact with the shop at all.

Second, Rakuten did contact with them but the shop owner ignored Rakuten’s contact.

Either of one, shopping on Rakuten’s website is not safe.

    創作者 球球 的頭像


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